Keep Your Kidneys Clear!

The kidneys are an important part of your body because they are the organs that function in clearing toxins and waste from your body. Due to the fact that your kidneys have an important responsibility in taking care of your body you should take care of them by protecting them.

First of all, drink a good amount of water. Water flushes out not only toxins from the kidneys but it also flushes out sodium from them as well. I could tell you to drink up to eight glasses a day but that amount can’t really be established because each individual is different based on their size, metabolism and weight. Another thing that has to be taken into consideration is the amount of fluid that you’ll lose due to physical activity or from hot and humid weather. An average amount of consumption that could be sufficient would be about 2.6 liters a day. More or less water could be needed for consumption based on the individual’s build.

Don’t go overboard with taking excessive amounts of protein because taking too much protein will make the kidneys work harder which could result in a negative conclusion such as possibly developing kidney stones. However you still need a good amount of protein to take in order for you to achieve successful muscle growth, some studies concluded that having about .75g to .84g of protein per kg of your bodyweight would be a sufficient amount. Also limit the amount of sodium you consume. Too much salt in the body could result in fluid or water retention meaning that you could end up having swollen and aching joints.

Finally, get into a habit of taking probiotics or consuming yogurt because the cultures in them which are considered to be a good bacteria assists the kidneys in processing and removing waste that results in a healthy and improved digestive system.