The Unseen Enemy!

Sometimes it can be seen in parts of your home and at other times it can’t be detected at all as it lurks within your walls. I’m talking about mold. Commonly known as mildew mold is a certain type of fungus that exists within a household in damp areas. Mold can also exist in an outdoor environment if that area happens to be warm, damp, or humid. The most common and typical areas for mold to grow indoors within a home would be the basement or a bathroom shower stall but it could live and thrive off of any area of your house that is moist.

The risks of mold in the home could possibly result in allergic reactions to mold for some individuals living in the household. The most common symptoms of these indoor allergens could be itchy watery eyes, coughing, rash, a runny nose and wheezing if you have asthma. Indoor allergens can be treated by taking antihistamines. They are medications in which its main function is to ward off and fight the effects of histamines released during an allergy attack by blocking the action of the histamine that causes the allergic reaction.

The best way to prevent and avoid mold from coming into your home is to be aware of all the moist and damp areas in your house and control the moisture by using a dehumidifier. The other way of dealing with mold and possibly prevent it from growing and spreading if you suspect that you have it is to get a “Mold Detection Kit”. These precautionary steps should be able to stop mold before it can even get started.