Knock Out Knee Pain!

Knee pain can be rough and it can affect almost anybody no matter what the age is of the individual. A tear in the cartilage or a ligament that was ruptured along with such medical conditions as arthritis can cause knee pain. Oesteoarthritis which is connected to knee pain or knee oesteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis that results from cartilage breakdown in the joints. Pain in the joints is one of the most common symptoms but other symptoms can occur such as joint swelling and stiffness.

Methods used for treating knee pain that involve medication should only be handled by a physician who might prescribe pain relievers such as anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, or even cortisone shots. Other methods that can be used in treating knee pain without the use of drugs can be exercise and physical activity. Too much rest could weaken your muscles which can increase joint pain but strengthening and cardio exercises could lead to an actual relief for pain in the knee joints because it increases flexibility and strengthens the muscles that support the knee. Knee bracing may help in dealing with oesteoarthritis and with the right type of insoles or orthotics, pain can also be reduced in the knees.

Maintaining a healthy body weight could help to manage symptoms of knee oesteoarthritis possibly easing the pain and another natural way of dealing with a troubled knee is heat and ice (which some individuals consider a “cure-all” for knee pain) which can help to provide some pain relief from the symptoms of oesteoarthritis. Icing a knee will decrease inflammation and/or pain in the area that is affected (about 20 minutes for both ice and heat should be sufficient) while heat tends to relax muscles that are tight and eases the pain of stiff joints.

Consumption of flaxseeds, ginger and berries are excellent for supporting your joints. As far as taking dietary supplements, omega 3 has been proven most effective for joint pain than any other supplement or medication because it has anti-inflammatory substances in it that helps to relieve pain. The fatty acids in omega 3 decreases the production of Arachidonic acid which is the cause of the pain in the joints. The anti-inflammatory substances of omega 3 secretes Prostaglandins in the body that also help to relieve pain. Prostaglandins are a group of unsaturated fatty acid mediators or lipids occurring throughout the tissues and body fluids which are derived from Arachidonic acid. Taking Vitamin C is also a good method for treating knee pain because it produces collagen in our bodies which strengthens our tendons and ligaments.