Building Strength From Ground Level!

Get a leg up on your health and exercise regimen by training your legs. It’s a known fact that certain individuals don’t like to do any type of leg training because it can be physically challenging to deal with. People who barely do any type of leg training or prefer not to train their legs at all are actually missing out on the benefits this training can produce such as boosting your metabolism and increasing your strength. Some of the most popular exercise routines for training your legs are squats and deadlifts because when you do them you’re not just training one part of your body, you’re actually training your whole body. Your chest tightens along with your abdominal muscles while your arms compress to hold the bar as you push the weight up with your legs from a lowered level to a standing squat position. If you’re having issues with your knees and cannot do squats, leg extensions could be an alternative to this exercise. The only difference you’ll find in doing the extensions is that your whole body will not be trained like it would be in doing squats and deadlifts.

Muscle gains can be achieved in doing leg squats (either standing or incline squats) because this exercise releases growth hormone and testosterone. Muscle growth and gains will come faster if you focus on increasing your testosterone level. The way that can be achieved is to always make a great effort by not just only increasing your testosterone level, but naturally increasing your growth hormone as well. This all can happen with leg training. If you train your legs at least twice a week your body will be awarded with many physical and mental health benefits such as a boosted metabolism, increased hormone and testosterone levels, stronger glutes, improved mental mood (as a result of depression or anxiety along with other negative mood factors being reduced because of doing this type of exercise) and strength build up in both the upper and lower body.