Pour On The Potassium!
Pour On The Potassium!

Pour On The Potassium!

If you require potassium for your overall health and choose to use a quick and easy method to get it, the first thing you might consider is consuming a banana, but there are other ways your body can receive potassium.…

Minimizing A Migraine!
Minimizing A Migraine!

Minimizing A Migraine!

A good friend of mine who I’ve known for quite sometime claimed that within the past couple of days he’s been waking up with throbbing pain on one side of his head. Some days the pain would be on the…

Tooth Or Consequences!
Tooth Or Consequences!

Tooth Or Consequences!

Taking care of your teeth is just as important as exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. According to the ADA (also known as the American Dental Association) you should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a…

Boost Your Nutrition With A Bang!
Boost Your Nutrition With A Bang!

Boost Your Nutrition With A Bang!

If anyone ever approached you and asked, “What’s the main purpose of dietary supplements?”, what type of answer would you give that individual or group that was inquiring about supplements? Dietary supplements when taken with food go to work within…